Business and Employment Support and Training

"Achieving the best through partnership"

Here are some of the clients that Shirley has worked with:


Association of British Sign Language Teachers and Assessors (ABSLTA) - Tailor-made Trustee Training and support with application for Registered Charity status

BBC Children in Need - Grant assessments

Bettws First Ltd - Financial training

Cardiff Deaf Centre - Administrative support on becoming a CIO

Cardigan Women's Aid- Trustee Training

Carmarthen Association of Voluntary Services - bespoke training course provision

Carmarthen Domestic Abuse Forum - Application for Company status

Citizens Advice Oxford - Personnel related support and report

Clarion - Interpreting agency work

CwmNi - Provision of governance training

Cyfannol Women's Aid - Governance training

DA Languages - Interpreting agency work

Deaf Access Cymru - Training and support to Deaf Clubs across Wales

Deaf Anglicans Together - Governance training

Deaf Sport Wales - Business Planning Workshop

Off The Record - QuickBooks set up and accounts advice

PACTO/PVT - QuickBooks training and support

PAVS- Training course provision

Penywaun Enterprise Partnership - Financial review

Pembroke 21C - Training in-house re Accounting by Charities SORP and 1:1 support re QuickBooks

Pembroke Town Walls Trust - SORP Accounts training

Ranstad - interpreting services for university clients (agency)

Remark - Registered for interpreting agency work

Signs of God - Governance training via Zoom and interpreting services for various clients

South Glamorgan Association for the Deaf - Facilitation of workshop to revise the constitution

Swansea Centre for Deaf People - Delivery of Business Plan Workshop

Swansea University - BSL interpretation work

Swansea Women's Aid - 1:1 trainng for Finance Manager

TerpTree - Registered for interpreting agency work

Through The Roof - BSL interpretation work and translation of BSL to English of two videos 

Deaf Awareness training for churches and Rev Neil's Story 

Torfaen Womens Aid- One day of Trustee Training - Financial management training

Tyn Y Coed - In-house Training and BSL communication support to a client)

Wales Council for Deaf People - Registered for interpreting agency work

Wales Council for Voluntary Action - Training delivery

Wales Rugby Union - Interpreting of school deaf sports events

Wales Interpreting and Translation Services - Interpreting services for hospitals and public bodies

Wolfestone - Registered for interpreting agency work

Write4Word - Interpreting of poetry readings